Saturday, June 29, 2013

It's all good, until its not: San Francisco- a comedy of errors

No, I don't know any of those people in the photo above, but I thought it was an interesting moment so I couldn't resist capturing it. It kinda sums up my very first trip to CA, "interesting."
I had a pretty good time, but the whole trip was plagued with issues and setbacks that kinda put a sour spin on the whole thing.

Here were the ups:

-Traveled with an awesome crew of Q's: Casey, Jake (casey's brother,) Dono (Jake's frat brother,) and our friends Shawn and Teddy.
 -Saw some beautiful scenery
- Encountered some colorful characters at SF Pride
-Got to hang out with my longtime best buddy Alia
-Saw sealions up close in Santa Cruz (best place we went by far)

Here were the downs:

-Van got a flat tire on the way down with no spare and only one expensive tire shop near by.
-Got trapped on a bridge that night in CA behind a traffic accident for over 3 hours putting us at our campsite in complete darkness. We didn't bother setting up tents, Casey and I slept in the van and the others just laid out their sleeping bags on the ground.
-When we got to our hotel we found out they wouldn't let us all share one room and they didn't have any other rooms available (we booked several months in advance since pride draws thousands to the area and nowhere else nearby has rooms.) We ended up driving a couple hours to Shaun's Moms' place and camped in their back yard.
-All but one of us became severely ill with fevers and sinus flu on the trip, me and Shaun were the hardest hit.
-I tripped and fell on the concrete at the Pride festival in shorts, skinning and busting up my knees pretty badly.

Wish I could say I enjoyed that trip to California. Better luck next time.

CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO - Remember to change the video quality to highest and turn up your volume!



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