Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Pedestrian Pause

All that outdoor beauty and fresh air is great and all, but the urban scene here in PDX has some interesting things to offer as well. During the time of the Rose Bowl and Rose Parade there is a noteworthy nocturnal affair called the Starlight Parade. It is two hours long and draws crowds of 250,000 people annually. We got an amazing spot to watch from 3 stories high in a parking garage overlooking the street. It was chilly and windy, and to be honest we didn't dress all that weather appropriately. We still had a great time watching all the twinkling decked out floats and bands pass by. There were so many marching bands I lost count, all with glowing doodads hanging from their outfits and instruments. There were giant inflated character balloons ala the Macy's parades. We also observed much money was made by rolling street vendors selling light up toys, necklaces, and wigs. 

Most of the photos were blurry because my camera is for crap int he dark. Here they are anyways: 

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