Sunday, September 16, 2012

Su Familia es muy grande!

Casey has a very large family. They are all spread across the US and once or twice a year converge on a pre decided location. Lucky for us, this time it was in Seattle! I had met her Mom once before, but this time it was her father's side that was gathering. Myself, she, and her brother Jake carpooled up to one of their Aunt's homes up there. We spent an entire week there, hanging out with them, and they really know how to pack a week full of fun let me tell ya. Her dad put us up in a nice hotel the whole time where he and a few other family members were also staying. It was up early every day to go somewhere and so something. We went to the Seattle Art Glass Museum for the Chihuly exhibit, The Pacific science center to see the King Tut exhibit, The Pikes Place Market, and we went sailing on one of their boats. Pepper all that with meals and gatherings at one of their homes and it was a non stop adventure.

The Glass museum was really cool, they had several other artists exhibiting in addition to Chihuly. Attached to the building was this curiously shaped silver conical structure. Turns out it is a hot glass workshop and auditorium where they have artists come and create bodies of work and let people watch how it's all done.


The Pacific Science center is like MOSI. They had an awesome butterfly room, and their star exhibit King Tut. This was an amazing sight to see, all these artifacts that were thousands of years old. The craftsmanship and detail to these pieces was simply unbelievable, especially considering the crude tools of the time. We were treated to the audio tour and, despite all looking funny with these earpieces, we all learned alot more than we would have just looking at the signs.

Sailing was awesome. It was my first time on a sailboat and it was one of the most peaceful and enjoyable afternoons we had up there. Weather was perfect, and Me, Casey, and Jake had the whole front 2/4 of the craft to ourselves. We tanned, dipped our toes in the water as the boar turned corners, chatted, and tried to work out the realism and details of buying a boat like that and living on it full time.

The drive back down was great too. We took our time and made a few stops along the way, one of them was a beach that was covered with (dead) sand dollars. We went a little crazy and collected over a hundred of them for craft use later. We also stopped at this cute little garden shop and bought a couple succulent plants.


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